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Case Dismissed by Living Beneficiary with subtitles

3 Views· 01/25/22
5 subscribers

This is what happens when you know who you are and you stand in your power.

Here is the transcript of the case dismissed by living beneficiaries February 27, 2013:

state funded council for other party says: And I have to say that I'm not familiar with the trial I just want to put that on the record
(crown council whispers to her but it's unaudible)

crown council says: at this time it is not our plan to ask for a psychological impairment assessment

judge says: in which case (inaudiable) ... preliminary matter

judge says: uh, miss arsenault mr little

jacinthe says: uh first of all Sir, that's a mistake. I am commonly known as Jessie. We are AS-KING the court to know we are at peace & honor & In Propia Persona as Living Beneficiaries and Equitable title holders of our Living flesh & blood creations & living heirs. We are AS-KING the court to accept this affirmation of truth & facts proving as per sections 32 & 52 of the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms that we have never and still don't and never will consent to being Government employees or agents
(judge's jaw dropped & he went to interrupt but stopped himself)

jacinthe continues: and we have sent several notices of our identities & requests with no response or rebuttal thus constituting as agreement of the parties and the applicant nor the crown has brought forth any facts proving to the contrary thus we motion to quash.

judge says: with respect I will not be accepting these documents from you at this time, uh, I am quite willing to uh hear any other issues you uh wish to raise uh and uh um miss arsenault do you have any other um comments you'd like to add

jacinthe says: the motion to quash is still presented before you.

judge says: and I understand you have a motion to quash that you are repres..err. presenting under the circumstances of the matter we have a preliminary case where these matters will be dealt with at trial (some inaudible mumble) at that time.
(jonathan whispers that this is the 3rd rebuttal)

jacinthe says: the motion to quash is before you today so are you telling me you're not going to address this motion?

judge says: I will address that motion and any other possibilities at trial.

jacinthe says: um, Let it be known on and for the record then that the judge has abandoned his oath of office and office so as the Living Beneficiaries and the equitable trust title holders of our flesh & blood creations and Living Heirs, we hereby fulfill
his duty & declare this case discharged & dismissed with cause & prejudice on the grounds that we have agreement of the parties and the applicant & the crown failed to provide facts proving an authority superior to ours enabling them to remove our flesh & blood creations & Living Heirs. We declare it our wish to instruct the crown to set-off the public debt, pay all taxes & tithes, return the estates to honor and set our flesh & blood creations & Living Heirs free posthaste. Meeting adjourned.
(we turned & walked out of court to stunned gawks & stares)

judge says: please understand that the court...
(then judge seemed to stop himself.)

jonathan says to jacinthe while exiting: all on recording, (jonathan laughs) that went really well

jacinthe says: he tried to interrupt me but he couldn't

jonathan says: exactly.
(now outside, jonathan laughs)

jacinthe says: goody goody gumdrops (jonathan laughs)

jacinthe says: Well that's over!

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