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Russell Anderson, Searl Anti-Gravity, Electromagnetic Propulsion, Extraordinary Technology 2014
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Well known for research in Electrogravitic systems – Russell has been building and flying Biefeld-Brown Effect “beamships” for years, and built a working replication of TT Brown’s rotating disk experiment back in the 1980′s, but his real passion has always been for the Searl Effect Generator and the Searl IGV – also dubbed the “Levity Disk”.
As a student of John Searl, Anderson schooled himself on the principles behind the SEG and IGV, and describes the operation of the Searl Effect Generator in detail while providing astute comparisons to both linear motors and other reported antigravity devices. Anderson’s expertise is not just in understanding what makes the Searl Effect Generator operate, but in understanding how it compares to similar devices in its class. Anderson’s expertise in SEG theory and design have led to manufacturing improvements that allow the Searl Effect Generator to be constructed by a machining process from the Neodymium metal, rather than the sintering process originally pioneered by Searl himself. Anderson describes recalculating the “Law of the Squares” to accommodate for Nd-Nickel alloy that he introduced to make this possible, and describes his excitement at this modification becoming a standard part of the Searl Effect Generator manufacturing process.
This presentation should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that electrogravitic propulsion is real... and achievable with today’s technology!