Strange Boom Sounds Heard East of Pittsburgh, 3/1/2012
BECAUSE MANY OTHER similar metallic-type BOOMS have now been reported in other locations -- I made this video public now to see if ear-witnesses of other locations heard a similar sound. If yours sounded similar, please leave comment.
UFO Hunters TV show on History channel describes LOUD BOOM SOUNDS being heard when UFOs were also reported in KOKOMO, Indiana -- a state which has ALSO been reporting TRIANGLE UFOs that also have MIMIC AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION LIGHTS like they do here and over 100 other locations worldwide. Why? Because it's the perfect disguise at night to fly covertly and not get shot at. FAA radar reports I've received when multiple objects are in the air prove they can cloak from radar, so VISUAL deception works to confuse most people they fly past on the ground.
Originally posted on March 3, 2012 -- date shows March 14, 2012 because that's when I changed it from UN-listed to Public to see who else has heard this sound.
There were more banging sounds heard more around 9:02 pm, but stopped before I could record it (first thought it must be marching band at high school practicing 2-3 miles away and assumed incorrectly that it was drums sound carrying up the valley). No band playing that night. Direction of sound towards Penn Township/Irwin, recorded in south Murrysville, Pennsylvania.
3 minutes later -- my EMF meter started pulsing mid-way.
--by 9:40 it was PEGGING and pulsating HARD ... but the flash picture thing produced no results out bedroom window (where meter is).
=The sounds on this clip were recorded at 3:52 AM and are better than earlier ones because of minimal vehicle traffic (some car/truck traffic faintly heard from turnpike 3 miles away in recording). Sounds seemed to be pretty far away -- like 3-5 miles or more which is why it was so concerning since it was so big sounding -- like a giant metal road plate fell.
~Total time of sounds heard maybe 5 minutes in AM -- big enough to wake me up.
SECOND BOOM I looped in recording to make it longer.
********~FYI -- listen with subwoofer or headphones for best reproduction.
~No corresponding EMF meter reactions during the AM banging.
I had kept this posting unlisted because I didn't want to seem alarmest if this was some sort of 'normal' boom related to some sort of major road construction (no thunder storms nor seismic activity in area that night). But now that there are DOZENS of other locations reporting this same-type metallic banging booming sound, I thought I'd make it public since not many recordings are available online for those who've heard it to show to others as reference and no major road construction was going on then I'm told. We have only RESERVE-type military bases stationed around our area -- they do not do exercises with explosions here.
MUST SEE -- Besides videos reporting this on Youtube, Coast-to-Coast show discussing multiple metallic BOOMs and BANGING reports in Central Ohio, UK, Washington state, Wisconsin, San Diego County, CA, Columbia Missouri, with ear-witnesses here:
(And like the UK Boom where a UFO was also seen in area, I can't rule out that somehow UFOs are responsible for these sounds since they've been seen around here also).
Reproduction in other compilation videos is okay with location/source noted.