
This is our free T.V. page for nonmenbers MEMBERSHIP IS FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME. Join now and get the entire year free, allow 24 hours to activate. We are new and still adding features to the site, from youtube to spread sheets and business conferencing, we are expanding to meet your needs. join to see the hidden features underneath 

Welcome to the Country Store

how to post and maintain your ad is Fort Collins Communications hub. Users are solely responsible for all content posted by the user of the account.

No strikes are issued. Violators are subject to deletion of content or account.

No porn, "R" rated or above, no dating services. No making this list longer.

Attention Dealers You may post single ads for your sale items. Dealers are allowed however must not advertise their Business. You must limit your ad to the sale item. Dealers are encouraged to contact HomeNetwork.TV for package deals for their business and advertising needs as low as $150. a month.

Otherwise, dealers may post but must list private contacts and not the dealership.

Unlimited Posts for only $9 a month 50% off the normal price of $19.99.

Sale prices are valid for 12 months.

Prices month to month may change with notice.

Homenetwork.TV is constantly upgrading and improving the site. Please pardon our dust during the remodeling


Goto Articles or country store.

You must have a users account to post or read classified ads.

Buyers and sellers have registered and provided contact information for everyone's safety.

Create article and upload your picture via select file not drag and drop (were working on that).

All fields must be filled out. Checkmark the button to post to the "Country Store".

Add your photo.

Don't forget to include your contact information.

You may list multiple items for garage sales or from clean ups with items for sale, etc.


Jack Bosma
Jack Bosma 3 months ago
Can we connect?


Jack Bosma
to add as a Zoom Client contact.
"Inspect what you expect."
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