reupload from hacked channel (video deleted).
While some just might be explainable, most of them can't.
No action was seen around same time in nights before nor after.
If they were just high-flying birds/bats/satellites, etc.. I would think it would be EVERY night. They were flying in ALL directions too. Someone counted over 50 of them.
(FYI -- music heard was neighbor's party down the street).
Filmed on October 10, 2010 near Oakmont, PA., at my summer place using ATN brand generation 3A nightvision scope with a 5X magnification lens attached to Sony HD cam providing extra zoom. Some I guess could be explainable as bats with city lights hitting them, I suppose, but other round, non-flapping ones cannot be, as bats flap their wings constantly. What has me scratching my head is why don't these 'bats' come out every night to eat high up like this? I've looked many nights during the summer when bugs are more plentiful by the river, but yet the only bats and night-flying birds I've seen showed up dark in night vision...Here and out where my house is SE of here. And we have bats there too -- I know, because one even lives under my window planter box.