

Film & Animation

ALIEN HUNTING, Part 6/8 (stabilized + enhancements)
16 Views ยท 3 years ago

Stabilized version of the best part of the (hacked & deleted off my channel) original series filmed on October 19, 2009 "Alien Hunting, part 6/8" I filmed from Blackthorne Estates Golf Course in Penn Township, Jeannette, PA on opposite side of the patch of trees we'd been seeing fireball orange/amber/red balls of light sphere/orbs come out and change into crafts that try (quite convincingly) to mimic our aircraft by copying our simple lighting arrangements. Don't know if it's a hologram or this group of aliens just have the ability to control matter's size, shape and energy fields.
Done by (and much thanks to) StabilzedUFOVideos

Araslyn was at the golf pro shop I always film from which is on OPPOSITE SIDE FROM MY HOUSE, btw, with this patch of woods IN BETWEEN.
SHE REPORTED SEEING THE ORBS LEAVE THIS PATCH AS the constable was in the woods trying to walk through the thick underbrush to get at them (pageperformance). cbah210 was the Ohio native standing by me who contacted me after seeing MANY triangle UFOs flying slowly over THIS SAME wooded high ridge line (comprised of 1000s of miles/acres) that runs south of Route 22 in Murrysville on his daily trips through town early AM to work.

A cable TV/internet line runs through there. About a week earlier I saw an orb sucking a stream of energy or something from it, then retreat back into the woods.

SAME patch of woods where a morphing small UFO came out of on September 21, 2010 ALSO. That one is CLEARLY coming out and NOT an aircraft or any other excuse.

8:14pm - UFO Sh*tstorm over Coal Mine Woods! 11/14/2013 Murrysville, PA
7 Views ยท 3 years ago

8:14pm on 11/14/2013 is when the main action started. THIS VIDEO COUNT: 3 Real aircraft (heli & planes), 40 unknowns w/14 of them BRIGHT BALLS OF LIGHT that morphed. FYI -- IT IS ILLEGAL for REAL PLANES TO FLY/TAKE-OFF THIS CLOSE TOGETHER. **** NOT EVEN NEAR SUPER BUSY LA AIRPORT DO PLANES FLY THIS CLOSE TOGETHER (was there in April for Sirius movie premiere).
This is NOT CLOSE TO any BUSY airport -- PITTSBURGH airport is about 30 miles away from KPIT, also 20 miles from smaller KAGC.... and more importantly, their regular air traffic is NEVER THIS OUTRAGEOUS NOR CLOSE TO FLYING OVER THIS MOUNTAINOUS AREA in this volume EVER -- not even during holiday travel times which I've proved on video last November on night before Thanksgiving, 2012. FYI --Most restaurants & businesses inside KPIT airport CLOSE AT NIGHT since not enough traffic to afford keeping them open.
Once they started "powering up" around 8:14pm, it was non-stop for at LEAST 2 hours in invasion-level volume -- JUST LIKE THAT SEEN/FILMED ON SAME DATE EARLIER IN GERMANY -- video here:
So save your excuses, skeptics, those of us worldwide who've been filming & warning folks that some advanced ET group is MIMICKING THE APPEARANCE OF OUR AIRCRAFTS AT NIGHT TO FLY AROUND OBSERVING MOSTLY IGNORED BY PUBLIC. FOUR radar reports I've received from FAA showing ALL HITS DO NOT SHOW THESE CRAFTS AS HITS... Trumps any excuses you have for trying to dismiss these without showing proof on radar they are "just planes or helicopters".
And NO, they're not USA secret advanced covert crafts as the SAME KIND ARE OVER RUSSIA and other countries that hate the USA and would never put up with it.
~~PRETTY SURE THEY MOVE WITH ROTATION OF PLANET TO STAY MOSTLY IN DARKNESS as the times of the 'waves' of activity indicate that as highly likely.
Like showing up at dusk and before dawn and active usually for 2-3 hours then leave (4+ years of studying them). See my Nov 2012 video showing how NOT ACTIVE our sky is here for real planes -- EVEN ON NIGHT BEFORE Thanksgiving holiday:
Person reporting to MUFON in eastern Pennsylvania (town of Felton) has similar behavior from 5:30 to 8pm regularly also so might be same group coming here after leaving there. THEIR REPORT
The mostly ORANGE/AMBER Fireball/Plasma Ball UFOs appear to be some sort of TRAVEL CONTAINERS that arrive here first from OUTER SPACE (see NASA STS-80 footage on youtube of them arriving) that then usually sit in sky observing area... then "poof" out more spheres like a stargate (captured many times of video on energeeeresearch channel in North Irwin, PA nearby). Those spheres that poof out then drift down slow or come down fast LIKE A METEOR into woods or stop at low altitude to hang out or patrol around. Some BLINK RHYTHMICALLY attempting to mimic aircraft nav lights at a distance, but some suddenly flare up bright, during which time they then transform/morph or emerge from those "travel containers" during some process where they GLOW BRIGHT LIKE PLASMA BALLS... which then usually dim down change shape into crafts that then easily COPY OUR AIRCRAFT NAV LIGHTS TO FLY COVERTLY OVER OUR HEADS & TOWNS.
Funny, but they mess up by constantly CHANGING THE LIGHTS SUBTLY, or changing wingtip strobe INTO HEADLIGHT then back into strobe.
They've been seen doing street lights (just the light, not the pole), the star Sirius (in wrong part of sky), fireball meteors (red, orange, white & neon green --quite often)... and yes Balloons -- even weather balloons (must have a sense of humor for doing those lol). These are NOT our planes, they will NOT show on radar report (I have 4 reports to prove that already), and we do NOT have this activity over our area during rain/snow (yet real planes/helis still fly then on same flight paths to our west/south as were present tonight on Flightaware closer to Pittsburgh which isn't visible from this area).
These UFOs prefer to come ONLY WHEN NOT RAINING OR SNOWING, so this is UFO activity is EASY to confirm because when rain/snow, air traffic is same small volume showing on FlightAware & FlightRadar24 and REAL planes do not fly LOW OVER THIS AREA AT ALL over woods where I film them like this for long periods of time HOVERING like TONIGHT.
So use your logic skills if you possess them.
If not, you deserve to be deceived by them and have them observe/study you & your ignorant bliss of your assumed safe surroundings....and miss the FANTASTIC DISCOVERY THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE, and they have found our planet and coming here to investigate it and US.

New York Hardcore DVD (part 5)
11 Views ยท 3 years ago


100 9875 Jet approach to Eppley over I 680 and Hwy 75
14 Views ยท 3 years ago

These videos of everyday jet planes on approach to Eppley Airfield in Omaha, NE were done in response to some of the video evidence posted by SeeingUFOsPA and OrionIFOs. I used a Kodak EasyShare Z730 with fixed zoom. This one also has a truck using air brakes in background.

I have seen multiple UFOs over past 10 months, so TRUST....I DO BELIEVE. Myself and another person watched a "jet plane look alike" disappear and reappear on 9-10-2009. So it's very possible that some of the videos by them are legitimate anomalies, but clearly not all of them.

Thanks for viewing!

Copy of CLOSE Swirling ORANGE UAP --ZOOMED/Slow Motion shows Energy Processes
12 Views ยท 3 years ago

Note the hexagon-shape is effect of my tele-conversion zoom add-on lens. Object was rounded. Filmed in Penn Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, about 25 miles east of Pittsburgh on September 9, 2009. I redid the video in better format with zoom & slow motion so you can see more details of why they appear to be on fire to some witnesses. I'm presuming (guessing) that it has to do this to start the super-bright "mini-Sun" flaring up which we think is when it either MORPHS IT SHAPE or acts like a PORTAL for various-shaped crafts, which then fly off WHILE EXPANDING IN SIZE AND SHAPE real-time.... Really super cool to see in person and far beyond human capacity to duplicate.

When the crafts are done flying around, they shrink back down into the spheres and usually park in wooded areas up in the tree branches (not touching but hovering), then eventually are seen shooting back up to sky like a meteor in reverse (that I've witnessed).

This video happened because I kept seeing plasma-like fireball objects in the woods across from my house at edge of unfinished golf course. One-by-one they would do the fire-look then rise up, get bright, dim then blink like planes and fly off. I called the little airport on opposite side and manager laughed at my asking why so many planes were taking off all of a sudden after years of no traffic. He said only he & owner had planes & owner lives out-of-town & he doesn't fly at night. Lifeflight heli sits there waiting too. So I decided to find out WHERE they were coming from & drove around into golf course access road and BAM -- there this was hovering over the golf course. I was not insane or delusional for thinking no-way could approaching plane lights show through thick woods as red fire, then change to insanely bright! Now the bigger mystery == figuring out what these visitors agenda here is and how their technology works! Anyone with spectrometers & other equipment to help me find out how they function, please contact me as this is REPEAT SIGHTING AREA and I know from 4 years of studying them where they hang-out the most. (most recent sighting: October 8, early am 9th, 2013 by myself & Rekon7 -- another resident of Murrysville. RhondaUFO is another also filming them here. List of others WORLDWIDE is on my channel page description & can't fit any more.

THIS DEMO just might be showing how that swirling process is created -- with suspected electromagnetic fields since these things suck electric off power lines & peg EMF meters here:

Strange Boom Sounds Heard East of Pittsburgh, 3/1/2012
8 Views ยท 3 years ago

BECAUSE MANY OTHER similar metallic-type BOOMS have now been reported in other locations -- I made this video public now to see if ear-witnesses of other locations heard a similar sound. If yours sounded similar, please leave comment.

UFO Hunters TV show on History channel describes LOUD BOOM SOUNDS being heard when UFOs were also reported in KOKOMO, Indiana -- a state which has ALSO been reporting TRIANGLE UFOs that also have MIMIC AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION LIGHTS like they do here and over 100 other locations worldwide. Why? Because it's the perfect disguise at night to fly covertly and not get shot at. FAA radar reports I've received when multiple objects are in the air prove they can cloak from radar, so VISUAL deception works to confuse most people they fly past on the ground.

Originally posted on March 3, 2012 -- date shows March 14, 2012 because that's when I changed it from UN-listed to Public to see who else has heard this sound.

There were more banging sounds heard more around 9:02 pm, but stopped before I could record it (first thought it must be marching band at high school practicing 2-3 miles away and assumed incorrectly that it was drums sound carrying up the valley). No band playing that night. Direction of sound towards Penn Township/Irwin, recorded in south Murrysville, Pennsylvania.

3 minutes later -- my EMF meter started pulsing mid-way.
--by 9:40 it was PEGGING and pulsating HARD ... but the flash picture thing produced no results out bedroom window (where meter is).

=The sounds on this clip were recorded at 3:52 AM and are better than earlier ones because of minimal vehicle traffic (some car/truck traffic faintly heard from turnpike 3 miles away in recording). Sounds seemed to be pretty far away -- like 3-5 miles or more which is why it was so concerning since it was so big sounding -- like a giant metal road plate fell.
~Total time of sounds heard maybe 5 minutes in AM -- big enough to wake me up.

SECOND BOOM I looped in recording to make it longer.
********~FYI -- listen with subwoofer or headphones for best reproduction.
~No corresponding EMF meter reactions during the AM banging.

I had kept this posting unlisted because I didn't want to seem alarmest if this was some sort of 'normal' boom related to some sort of major road construction (no thunder storms nor seismic activity in area that night). But now that there are DOZENS of other locations reporting this same-type metallic banging booming sound, I thought I'd make it public since not many recordings are available online for those who've heard it to show to others as reference and no major road construction was going on then I'm told. We have only RESERVE-type military bases stationed around our area -- they do not do exercises with explosions here.

MUST SEE -- Besides videos reporting this on Youtube, Coast-to-Coast show discussing multiple metallic BOOMs and BANGING reports in Central Ohio, UK, Washington state, Wisconsin, San Diego County, CA, Columbia Missouri, with ear-witnesses here:
(And like the UK Boom where a UFO was also seen in area, I can't rule out that somehow UFOs are responsible for these sounds since they've been seen around here also).

Reproduction in other compilation videos is okay with location/source noted.

Metepec, Mexico (1996) UFO
6 Views ยท 3 years ago

After viewing recent (2009) YouTube videos by seeingUFOsPA and pageperformance, I was compelled to share footage from our 1996 trip to Metepec, Mexico.

Traveling with us were crew and cast of the television show Strange Universe. Later we stopped at the Mexico City office of Jaime Maussan and reviewed our footage with Daniel Muรฑoz.

See related video:

I believe the object we saw is similar to what seeingUFOsPA and pageperformance are filming TODAY in Pennsylvania, USA:

Wing Lights
12 Views ยท 3 years ago

wing lights wigwag and postion lights testing

Let's Play X-Com UFO Defense - Part 19
14 Views ยท 3 years ago

We take on another ship; this one wasn't downed, though, AND is a Muton Terror-ship. Yay.

Black Ops 2 -
14 Views ยท 3 years ago

Hahaha we figured out you can fly with the new gun the "paralyzer" by pointing it at the ground and shooting it! You can fly over the maze doors and blocked objects! Added a rocket ship count down from 10 to make it more epic. And also at the end, a zombie was stuck in slow motion or something. It was VERY slow as you can see and super funny, haha. Hope you enjoy :) Don't forget to like and subscribe! Check out our channel for other videos too! ;)

R.O.A.M. Radio Broadcast w/ host Joe Kiernan 9-1-13
3 Views ยท 3 years ago
Please Remember Revolution radio is donation run and please help continue to keep them rolling..

Alison member "seeingufospa"
Ken Hurt......................................"kennethhurt"
Dave Stinnett....Director of New Jersey UFO congress and convention

UFO by Allison
11 Views ยท 3 years ago

A stop motion animation made with Animation Station in The Tinkering Studio.

DAY VIEWS of Murrysville, PA - Answer to MOST ASKED QUESTION, April 5, 2011
9 Views ยท 3 years ago

Why I don't just go over there and drive/walk up on those aliens hiding out in our heavily wooded, secluded areas out of view and human interference?

Gee, they must be SMART ADVANCED ALIENS or something picking places like this....

And before you suggest that I go and CAMP OUT in there, let me remind you that first a HIGHER CRAFT checks out the area first for safety check BEFORE any orb/spheres drop down and morph/shape-shift (or however they change shape) into crafts that mimic our own aircraft shapes and lighting. When we've tried to do that (being in there around dusk), they just PICKED ANOTHER PATCH OF WOODS.... and those woods are TICK INFESTED private property.

I hope this clears up some of the mystery as to why I film from the couple locations I've found with a clear shot of this area they frequently fly over (and down into), instead of trying to get closer.

... It's going to be a lot harder than hunting deer to sneak up on these suckers.

PINK = Path driven from filming location to the Park (is one used in most recent videos).
RED DOTS = clip filming locations (not all would fit in 15 min video)

UFOs near PITTSBURGH, PA 9/24/11 - & others in PA
8 Views ยท 3 years ago

40+ orange orbs reported to MUFON south of Elizabeth in Monongahela, Pennsylvania... UPDATE! Turns out these WERE Chinese lanterns set off for funeral wake gathering for kid who died days before -- verified by those present (hey it happens). They should be illegal since they are fire hazard and litter...

However, the 2 that I saw in Murrysville headed WEST toward Pittsburgh were definitely NOT lanterns... ****FILMED USING ATN brand night vision NVM14-3A attached to Sony HD cam & 5X magnifying zoom lens.
The 4 UFOs filmed/spotted in PITTSBURGH by University of Pgh and reported to MUFON said metallic sphere was also seen.
Then one filmed/seen in Johnstown, PA was too far away to be same group.
NEXT DAY A DAYTIME UFO filmed SW of Pittsburgh:

MY 4 orbs seen in June, 2011 here:

For whatever reason -- they are showing themselves more...ANOTHER sighting on that SAME NIGHT in GETTYSBURG, PA:
Case Number: 32127
Log Number: US-09272011-0004
Submitted Date: 2011-09-27 05:03 GMT
Event Date: 2011-09-24 22:00 GMT
Status: Submitted
City: Gettysburg
Region: Pennsylvania
i have always been a fan of the sky and the stars since a child. so i have a habit of looking up when im outside to see the beauty of it. my mother in law and my husbands friend were visiting to see our dogs new puppies. mom and i eventually were sitting outside discussing about the puppies as shes showing me the pictures she took of them on the front steps of the house. while my husband, our daughter and his friend were inside. i look up into the sky to my right side an noticed 2 orange orbs flying across next to each other. when i did i said "mom? what the heck is that?" she said,"probably a plane honey." i said,"no i really doubt that its a plane. mom look" she states "what am i suppose to be looking at?" i said,"just look an you'll see. hurry before it goes out of sight!" so she gets up off the steps and sees them. opens the door of the house hollering for my husband an his friend to come outside. i walk up the road to follow these orbs. my mom is following behind me. my daughter is questioning my husband and exclaiming how scared she was (shes 6) while my husband is answering her as hes comforting as well. and my husbands friend was just in awe. these 2 orbs were flying wobbly next to each other with no sound or trace of residue behind them,no sight of the normal blinking lights you would see on a plane either. from a distance they looked like a glowing orange circle (best description like a miniature sun) with a tint of red that moved in a circled motion around the object. eventually i lost sight of them. thought maybe they went into a different direction. my mom an i were puzzled as to what they were because we never seen such a thing before. my husband,daughter and his friend went back inside the house. (as my husband is trying to make light of the sighting with jokes for our daughters sake.) my mom an i then started discussing of the sighting of it possibly being a UFO as i ended the conversation with, "now i need a nice tall glass of wine!" we start laughing an began to go inside the house. until i look up again an seen another object on the same right side. i said,"mom theirs another one!" instead of going in the direction i went before. i went in the opposite direction up the road to get a better view with out the trees being in the way. it had the same swaying/wobbly motion as it flown in the sky. same colors,shape,size etc as the last 2 i saw. though this one i was able to see what happened of how the other 2 had disappeared so quickly. after flying a good distance it stopped and hovered still in place for about maybe 4 minutes (my mother in law was able to take pictures at this time.) after the 4 minutes had past the orange color had then turned white, shrunk in size an dimmed out. just vanished ! me and my mom were just shocked like oh my heavens ! was very weird and creepy we felt. we stayed outside for a good 45 minutes talking about it after to see if we would be able to spot anymore. though we didn't after that. i definitely got my wine after! my husband was puzzled and said how he thought it was weird too. my mom then plugs her camera into the laptop and loads the pictures she took. these pictures look to be NOTHING like what we saw. the pictures shows a disc which created more confusion as to what it originally could had been. theyre not very good pictures but if you would to zoom in on them you can see the object better.


Part 1 of 11/12/10 series not on radar:

100 9447 2nd jet approach to Eppley 11Aug2009, I 29 at Crescent IA
2 Views ยท 3 years ago

These videos of everyday jet planes on approach to Eppley Airfield in Omaha, NE were done in response to some of the video evidence posted by SeeingUFOsPA and OrionIFOs. I apologize for the sarcastic commentary...just trying to have a little fun :) . I used a Kodak EasyShare Z730 with fixed zoom.

I have seen multiple UFOs over past 10 months, so TRUST....I DO BELIEVE. Myself and another person watched a "jet plane look alike" disappear and reappear on 9-10-2009. So it's very possible that some of the videos by them are legitimate anomalies, but clearly not all of them.

Thanks for viewing!

Radio Show Tonight!-Wake Up Call- Guest Tonight Alison Kruse
27 Views ยท 3 years ago

Wake Up Call- Tonights show - guest Alison Kruse of seeingUFOsPA
8pm est- 5pm pst at

Join us tonight!
Got something you want to get off your chest, this is your chance.

Link to web site:

Link to Aliison's channel:

Craziest Things on a Home Inspection
11 Views ยท 3 years ago

As an experienced home inspector, Marc Rocca of Pillar to Post has probably seen it all. Check out some of the craziest things he's seen on some of his home inspections.

100 9446 1st jet approach to Eppley 11Aug2009, I 29 at Crescent IA
29 Views ยท 3 years ago

These videos of everyday jet planes on approach to Eppley Airfield in Omaha, NE were done in response to some of the video evidence posted by SeeingUFOsPA and OrionIFOs. I apologize for the sarcastic commentary...just trying to have a little fun :) . I used a Kodak EasyShare Z730 with fixed zoom.

I have seen multiple UFOs over past 10 months, so TRUST....I DO BELIEVE. Myself and another person watched a "jet plane look alike" disappear and reappear on 9-10-2009. So it's very possible that some of the videos by them are legitimate anomalies, but clearly not all of them.

Thanks for viewing!

UFO and 9000 dollars sony camcorder with nightvision 2011 (part 3/4)
2 Views ยท 3 years ago

This video is for brave Alison A. Kruse. Happy Christmas!!!

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